disabled indicates the control should not be interactable.
error allows the control to be intialized in the invalid state with a message.
inputClass is the class list for the input.
itemContentTemplate if specified will be used to render each result item.
label for the control.
name of the control.
Used by controls to tag events with names.
noItemsTemplate for rendering the lack of search results.
onChange handler.
onSearch handler.
options to initialize the dropdown list with. These options are displayed by default when the input gains focused.
placeholder text for the input.
stringifier turns the value to a string.
success allows the control to be intialized in the valid state with a message.
value of the control.
Used to intialize controls and may also be the value of an Event.
warning allows the control to be intilalized in the warn state with a message.
Generated using TypeDoc
class is typically applied to the root level DOM of a widget's view.
Use it to define custom rules for styling specific widget instances.